The Pathways

Circles - Collective Consciousness
Experiencing together with awerness what does it mean to be immersed in a field created by the encounter of different electromagnetic field.
Learning together what does it mean to learn about our ownselves from the mirror that is in front of us every day: my partner, my friend, my brother, my sister, my mother, my father..
Being together in a Sacred Space created from us, for us; to belive and have faith on something that we cannot touch with our senses..we must feel it.

"I consider the patient who stands before me as a link in a long chain, a nodal point in a network of interaction, which is the true home of the processes that lead to the disease so to the healing. The whole psychology would become social psychology and it would find in the group its natural therapeutic tool, confining individual psychotherapy for very special purposes." 
S. H. Foulkes, 1967
Private Session – Light and Shadow
For years I had been looking for “witches” and “wizards”, who would helped me or heal me with their magic wand; I also wanted to meet a Master or a Mistress to heal me or at least to improve me. I was delegating, setting my own strength and my own will aside.
I met a guide, who made me understand that there is no-one to “heal” or no-one to “save”. Out of that my perspective changed.
The Essence is my guide, to whom I turn when I feel I'm about to take a leap, but I can't see if the leap is to be done with eagle's wings or owl's ones.
The Individual path could be useful for you if:
You are aware that you want an internal change;
You are willing, but you don't know how;
You want to accept your cyclic nature;
If you feel that you're getting lost in generational patterns and everyday-habits that don't allow you to develop another point of view or to experience something different.

The nature of life is of constant growth. So is your nature.
 Homaya Amar & Yuval Rivlin.

Courses are numerous, varied, sometimes intense, sometimes seemingly useless. Looking back, I can firmly say that I wouldn't discard anything. Every thing I received, was exactly what I was in need of at the specific moment. (Meetings, fights...on my own or in groups...)
What I propose is the simple awareness of our inner motion.
Taking our time to observe the movements of our breath, our thoughts, our emotions and energies.
From the observation of our movements we can perceive what our deeper voices and  our deeper intuitions tell about us.

My role ?
To be there.
To be a sister, a guide who doesnt' allow any delegation anymore.
To feel how far you want to get as an individual and how you want to work in groups, and to decodify these signs together.
To ease the transformation that you're ready to face.
An external eye, lover of universal equations out of which life is made.

+39 340 571 18 35